Friday, July 31, 2009

The kindness of some new friends.

Things have been a little rough lately with the lack of streetcars, the city workers strike and the lack of tourists coming to the city. Luckily I have some great new friends in the "hood" as we seem to like to call the Brockton Triangle/DuWest/little Brazil. The kindness of people I am just getting to know and call "friend" is astounding. I'm really looking forward to walking Chip with Melanie and Dim Sum in the morning. I really need the exercise for various reason especially to help with the stress I'm feeling due to the lack of business. And it's probably a really good idea for me to leave the 4 city blocks that I now rarely ever venture out of, at least once in a while. We are going to walk over to Bickford Park on Harbourd at Christie. Thought it would be fun to try out a new dog park for a change...I love all the people and dogs at the regular ones but sometimes it's just nice to break routine.

I chilled out at Zoot's Cafe (Melanie's biz) last night for a weekly event called Quite Night. I was there earlier in the day when Martina dragged me there insisting to buy me a coffee (she's a sweet heart). I had a mini-melt down when Melanie asked how biz was. I felt so dumb because I pretty much burst into tears. Both Melanie and Martina where so nice to me. But I still felt stupid for crying. Anyway Melanie offered up one of her windows to display some Beadle jewellery in order to drum up some business for me. Words can't express just how much I appreciate her doing this for me. And Martina after buying me a latte then dragged me off to the bakery to get me all the fix'ns for a sandwich. She actually thanked me for allowing her to treat me to a latte and lunch. Now that is kindness.

So in the theme of being positive I'm going to do a word of the day. Or at least a positive word each day I blog.

Here goes...

My word of the day is KIND


having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature : she was a good, kind woman | he was very kind to me.[ predic. ] used in a polite request : would you be kind enough to repeat what you said?[ predic. ] ( kind to) (of a consumer product) gentle on (a part of the body) : look for rollers that are kind to hair.archaic affectionate; loving.

ORIGIN Old English gecynde [natural, native] ; in Middle English the earliest sense is [well born or well bred,] whence [well disposed by nature, courteous, gentle, benevolent.]

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

First time...

Okay well here it goes. I've finally gone and done it and created a blog. I'm told it's good for venting, updating friends and family on your life and also a must have for small business. I'm not much of a writer but I thought I'd give it a try anyway. So wanna know more about me check out my website or

I look forward to comments and questions.

Thanks for reading!